Freestyle & Freefly skydiving

Freefly is an Artistic event, where two flyers perform creative routines, going for style rather than speed. The number of Rounds can vary, and each Round is judged live, where the judges use specific criteria to award scores.
Flyers perform both Free and Compulsory routines 60 seconds in length. Exact number of Rounds and composition of Rounds is specific to the meet. Compulsory routines require particular moves be performed, but the sequence and choreography of the routine are designed by the flyer. Routines are sometimes flown to music, adding another layer of difficulty as flyers must fly in sync to the song of their choice.
Creativity and difficulty are awarded in these disciplines as flyers work to amaze and impress the crowd and the judges.
To compose high scoring routines, one needs to understand what the judges are looking for. The judges will give a score between 0 - 10 for each criteria, and the average of the two is the total score for that Round.
Technical: Difficulty, Movement skills, Precision, Control, Teamwork (Free-fly only)
- The more difficult the routine with the moves being performed in a controlled manner, the higher the score will be
- All flying surfaces will need to be used in order to gain a higher score (i.e.. flat, back-down, head-up, head-down, sideways, diagonal)
- The routine should show a wide variety of skills
- For Freefly, constant interaction and teamwork will need to be displayed
Presentation: Visual excitement, Originality, Composition
- The routine should hold the viewer’s attention through creative choreography and dynamic variety
- The routine has a definite beginning, a definite ending and full use of the 60 seconds working time
- The routine has a nice flow, there is a high level of originality in the way of new moves and new twists on old moves
- The routine is balanced and well-composed