
Dynamic is unlike any other discipline in that it did not originate from a traditional Skydiving discipline. Created by a group of experienced flyers looking for the structure of Formation Skydiving but the creativity of Freestyle, Dynamic competition offers both Speed rounds and Free routines. Dynamic teams are composed of 2 (D2W) or 4 (D4W) people, each person given a specific slot in line where they work to follow one another as they fly the designated sequences. Dynamic rules are currently written for Advanced and Open categories, where Advanced does not have to perform all of the moves in the complete Dynamic dive pool and may only fly Speed rounds and not Free.
Speed Rounds
Flyers go through a specific sequence of a Snake, Vertical, and Mixer (as determined by the dive pool draw) 3 times through as fast as possible, being timed from entrance to exit
Speed Judging
As flyers move through the sequence, they are required to fly within specific parts of the tunnel. There are two vertical sets of lights opposite one another on the tunnel glass, acting as start and finish lines. On each line is a donut-shaped ring, 2m off the net floor, that work to create an invisible horizontal line across the tunnel. Judges are positioned to view the line and see through the ring, where they work to ensure that the flyers completely cross the lines in Snakes and Mixers and go around the ring during Verticals. Five second penalties apply to Busts ranging from not crossing the lines, to crashing into teammates.
Some Dynamic competitions consist of only Speed rounds. Teams fly 6 rounds, each with a different sequence, and the fastest overall time after penalties have been applied, wins.
Free Routines
Similar to Freestyle mentioned above, Dynamic Free routines are completely individualized 60-120 seconds of flight time meant to display the skill and creativity of the flyers, rather than simply speed.
Free Judging
Judging Free rounds is completely subjective. It is preferred that the judges are peopl with the skill to fly the discipline themselves, or hav extensive experience judging Artistic events. No scores are assigned to this round, judges confer to agree on which team performed a better routine.
Competitions with both Speed and Free routines are flown Tournament style. Teams are randomly placed into Pools where they battle one another in both styles of routines, gaining points for each win. The teams are then ranked based off these points and placed into a Bracket. Each round in the Bracket is important as they either signify going up or down a position, so being good at Speed and Free is very important. Ultimately every team fight their last battle to determine their overall place. The IBA Dynamic Battle Accessory rules provide Brackets for up to 20 teams.