Full Eagle


The Full Eagle move takes all of the individual skills from the Half Eagle, placing them together as one skill. Ideally, during the learning phase of Half Eagles, you became comfortable with starting and stopping in each “slot”. The Full Eagle requires that you are completing each half of the maneuver as one complete skill. The techniques described here will help you learn how to effectively put these moves together to successfully complete a Full Eagle.

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Prior to learning Full Eagles, you will need to be very comfortable performing the Half Eagle maneuver in both “slots.” Essentially, a Full Eagle is the same a two Half Eagles put together one after the other. It would be beneficial to begin learning this skill with the same person you are comfortable flying with when performing the Half Eagle skill; this will provide for better all-around performance throughout.


The primary objective is for two flyers to be able to safely and successfully perform a Full Eagle maneuver, with both flyers beginning in their specified “slots,” ending in their original “slots” at the same altitude, and returning to their neutral positions.


You can first learn this maneuver solo prior to adding the second flyer if you wish. Set up will be on one side of the tunnel facing the center, the same set up as a Half Eagle. Ensure that you are comfortable flying the entire movement from beginning to end, beginning in both the Sit Fly and Head Down orientations. When you begin to fly with the second flyer, make sure you set up facing each other, at the correct altitude, and with the correct distance between you.

Technique and Drills


Set up correctly and visualize the idea of placing two Half Eagles together to complete the full eagle. Begin in your most comfortable slot and perform one Full Eagle to a complete stop. Then, switch roles so that you begin in the opposite orientation and perform one Full Eagle to a stop.

Once you become comfortable with this maneuver, then you may want to perform more than one Full Eagle, one following the other.

Post-flight questions / suggestions

  • How did your performance match the initial objectives?
  • Were you able to maintain stability throughout the entire maneuver?
  • Were you able to maintain eye contact throughout the whole transition?
  • Did you complete the Full Eagle finishing at the same altitude you started with and with the same distance between you and the other flyer?


As you become competent at flying the Full Eagle maneuver, be sure that you can effortlessly start the skill from both slots to ensure mastery. At this point in your progression you have many avenues you can venture down in your progression to being  pro-rated flyer.

© 2005 - 2025 International Bodyflight Association™

The IBA distinguishes between the sport of indoor skydiving (engaged in by patrons with IBA accounts seeking approval of flight skills though the IBA's Flight Progression System) and recreational flying (engaged in by entertainment customers who do not intend to pursue approval of skills). While indoor skydiving is safe for all ages, the inherent risk of the activity is necessarily greater for those engaging in the sport of indoor skydiving, particularly as they progress through more sophisticated maneuvers.