Head Up Side Slide


Head up side slide is a skill in itself that will be used in conjunction with other head up flying skills especially for moving around other flyers and positioning yourself within a group. Unlike the other basic head up flying moves, it is unlikely that you will have learned the basics of this skill during your progression. However, with having control of the other movements such as turns and upward and downward movement, side slides will be a straight-forward skill to learn. The techniques outlined here will help to identify the specific areas of focus in order to create smooth side slides.

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Before you begin to learn Sit Fly Side Sliding, you will first need to be very comfortable in your neutral Sit Fly position, off the net at moderate to fast wind speeds, with controlled turns, and with forward, backward, and up and downward movements completed. At this point, it is likely you will already know how to enter and exit the tunnel while Sit Flying, but it is not required.


The primary objective is to be able to safely and successfully side slide from one side of the wind tunnel to the other, under control the entire time, maintaining a consistent altitude and heading, without contacting the wall at any time.


You will begin Sit Flying off of the net, at approximately waist level. You should be close to one side of the tunnel and positioned so there is no doorway in the flight path of your side slide as this can present an obstacle.

Technique and Drills


  • Begin this maneuver on one side of the tunnel leaving space to complete a side-sliding maneuver
  • The side-slide maneuver needs to be created by combining upper and lower body inputs. This will help to keep a balanced slide throughout
  • Initiate the side-slide by bending your leading arm and pressing your leading elbow down in to the wind; this will create a “pull” type feel against the airflow
  • Your trailing arm will need to be slightly extended and raised to “release” the airflow to initiate the movement
  • At the same time that you initiate with your upper body, you will need to create drive with your lower body, first by lowering your leading leg, pressing the foot down in to the wind
  • As you lower your leading leg, you will also need to angle that leg, sliding your leading foot outward, which will expose your inner thigh of that leading leg to the wind. This “rudder” effect will create drive for your lower body
  • Keep your spine straight throughout the slide, avoid leaning in to the wind
  • Maintain balanced upper and lower body inputs at all times to ensure a straight slide that does not turn
  • To stop the side slide, you will need to initiate a slide in the opposite direction to create a braking action 
  • Once the movement has stopped, return to a neutral Sit Flying body position

Post-flight questions / suggestions

  • How did your performance match the initial objectives?
  • Were you able to maintain stability throughout each side slide?
  • What techniques did you feel comfortable with and what can you improve on during the next session?
  • Did you have a preferred direction to slide? What can you do differently to be proficient going both directions?


As you become comfortable controlling your sit flying side slides, you will progress on to the next skill, while doing so, continue to challenge yourself on this maneuver, increasing wind speed where it is appropriate to do so and begin flying fast movements and stronger stops. 

© 2005 - 2024 International Bodyflight Association™

The IBA distinguishes between the sport of indoor skydiving (engaged in by patrons with IBA accounts seeking approval of flight skills though the IBA's Flight Progression System) and recreational flying (engaged in by entertainment customers who do not intend to pursue approval of skills). While indoor skydiving is safe for all ages, the inherent risk of the activity is necessarily greater for those engaging in the sport of indoor skydiving, particularly as they progress through more sophisticated maneuvers.