Super Positioning


As part of increasing your overall belly flying ability and to build the skills necessary to be able to perform some of the moves that have been developed as part of the 2-way, 3-way and 4-way dive pools, super positioning is a key ingredient. You will use a multitude of the basic belly flying skills, merging them together to fly one smooth movement which will have you start and ending in different positions in the tunnel/formation, a complex but fun set of drills.

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Super-positioning can be considered a dynamic belly-flying skill. The mixing together of multiple movements similar to belly-flying verticals adds to the complexity of belly-flight, yet ultimately produces a more capable and well-rounded flyer. Prior to learning super-positioning moves, you will need to be comfortable flying all of the eight points of motion on your belly. You should also be familiar with flying with another person as super-positioning usually requires you to have a second flyer in the tunnel with you for reference and to pick up grips.


The primary objective is to be able to safely and successfully perform some of the several different super-positioning moves, which consist of multiple inputs (for example, side-sliding and turning), moving a specified distance from start to finish, and rotating a specified number of degrees.

The ultimate goal is to be able to perform these moves without hesitation, in any direction, with any other flyer without any issues.


How you set up will depend on which type of super-positioning skill you are preparing to complete. If you are performing a skill that requires a side-slide or forward / backward movement, usually you will begin on one side of the tunnel so that you have enough space to be able to make a large enough move to get the truest feel of how it should be flown. If you are performing a move that requires an altitude change, then you will want to set up so that you are either low enough or high enough to leave enough workable room to travel in the direction you wish.

Other items to consider are:

  • When you are “building” a specific formation to begin and you are making a move to finish in a different formation with your partner, aim to set up so that you are at the correct level and that the “look” of the formation is correct and not built at an awkward or incorrect angle or shape.
  • Ensuring that each formation is built as exact as possible not only ensures proper training but it also ensures that the move you are about to make is as perfect-looking as possible.

Technique and Drills


Side-Slide & Turning (360º)

  • Begin on one side of the tunnel on a determined heading
  • First, initiate the side-slide to get moving
  • As the side-slide starts, begin a 360º turn
  • Ideally, once you are halfway across the tunnel, you should have completed half of your turn
  • Aim to keep visual contact with a reference point or another flyer if you have one flying with you. Once you are halfway across the tunnel and halfway around your turn, you will “head switch” so that as you continue the movement you can continue to keep visual contact with your reference.
  • As you approach the opposite side of the tunnel, you should also be completing your turn
  • Use the basic methods to stop the turn and the side-slide. You should finish on the opposite side of the tunnel that you started from, and should be facing the same direction
  • Continuously manage your body position so that you can maintain a constant altitude the entire time
  • Now practice going in the opposite direction


Side-Slide & Altitude Change

  • Begin on one side of the tunnel on a determined heading and low to the net
  • Begin with a side-slide toward the center of the tunnel
  • As you start moving, flatten your body position to begin an upward movement while still continuing to slide
  • Hold the two inputs until you pass halfway across the tunnel
  • As you approach the opposite side of the tunnel, you will need to stop your side-slide and maintain your arched position to maintain the altitude you finish at
  • This is a dynamic skill to learn as there are numerous variations with sliding left and raising up or sliding left and descending down. Try to learn all of the combinations and become familiar with all of them

Post-flight questions / suggestions

  • How did your performance match the initial objectives?
  • Were you able to maintain stability throughout each of the super-positioning moves?
  • Did you have a preferred skill or preferred direction to perform a certain skill?
  • What techniques did you feel comfortable with and what can you improve on during the next session?
  • How can you build on what you learned and practice some more difficult super-positioning moves?


Once you have completed some of the basic super-positioning moves, you will want to discuss and prepare with your coach some more technical moves. Becoming familiar and comfortable with these maneuvers will help you with your 3-way and 4-way flying, as some parts of the respective dive pools will require you to make moves very similar to those practiced. 

© 2005 - 2024 International Bodyflight Association™

The IBA distinguishes between the sport of indoor skydiving (engaged in by patrons with IBA accounts seeking approval of flight skills though the IBA's Flight Progression System) and recreational flying (engaged in by entertainment customers who do not intend to pursue approval of skills). While indoor skydiving is safe for all ages, the inherent risk of the activity is necessarily greater for those engaging in the sport of indoor skydiving, particularly as they progress through more sophisticated maneuvers.