Head Down Carve Switch


Once you can perform head down carves comfortably, you will utilize those skills with some additional instruction to learn how to carve from one direction to another direction or from one visual to another seamlessly.

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Before learning to switch between carves you should have learned to both the in-face and out-face carve, preferably in both directions. Switching between carves can easily make you unstable and disoriented so, you should have good balance and awareness in these orientations before trying to switch between them.


Your objectives in mastering this skill should be the following:

o  Your goal should be to learn the different ways to switch between out-face and in-face carving.

o  When performing the switches, aim to maintain control and manage your level in the tunnel.

o  As you gain some skill you should attempt to switch with some accuracy at specific points in the tunnel. 

Technique and Drills


In-face to In-face 

Otherwise known as a “snake.”, Begin carving in-face in either direction and on level. Use your shoulders to stop the movement by turning the leading shoulder into the center. Hold this position, keeping your legs straight, and begin to move through the center of the tunnel. As you pass through the center switch your shoulders to make the trailing shoulder the now the leading shoulder and begin carving in the other direction.


In-face to Out-face

Otherwise known as a “switching snake.” Begin carving in-face in either direction on level. Turn your shoulders just like you would to switch in-face to in-face and as you pass through the center of the tunnel, push your hips and legs forward slightly and turn your head in the direction of the carve to assume an out-face carving position.


Out-face to In-face

Also known as a “switching snake.” Begin carving out-face in either direction on level. Use your shoulders by turning the leading shoulder into the center and push your hips and legs forward slightly to translate the momentum backwards. As you pass through the center of the tunnel, switch your body position into an in-face carving position and begin carving. 

Post-flight questions / suggestions

·     Were you able to switch and stay stable?

·     Can you switch directions with accuracy?

·     Did you maintain a good body position through out the techniques?


Now that you have learned to switch directions you should try to add level changes to your switches. Try flying with another flyer and both of you switch between carves together. You can also learn the next skill: belly and back flares. 

© 2005 - 2024 International Bodyflight Association™

The IBA distinguishes between the sport of indoor skydiving (engaged in by patrons with IBA accounts seeking approval of flight skills though the IBA's Flight Progression System) and recreational flying (engaged in by entertainment customers who do not intend to pursue approval of skills). While indoor skydiving is safe for all ages, the inherent risk of the activity is necessarily greater for those engaging in the sport of indoor skydiving, particularly as they progress through more sophisticated maneuvers.